Tag: Tasks

How to write structured to-do lists?

Tasks GTD Methodology

After creating the habit of using to-do lists, they can get messy. What to put into a task management app? Where to start when structuring tasks, sub-tasks, and projects? Most apps have a variety of features, but it is hard to use them properly, especially for a beginner.

Especially if having a large amount of tasks, to-do list apps or task management systems can get out of hand. There are many things to do at once, but not everything can be done at once. Maybe stuff cannot even be done because something else needs to be finished first. Maybe there is a date attached, from when a task can be worked on.

Having a proper structure helps to create trust in the system and workflows, gaining security. It helps to be reliable and not forgetting tasks. Finally, it helps to tackle work which would be overwhelming, otherwise.


Overview on task management

Meta Tasks

On this site I cover a variety of topics on different areas related to productivity. However, for our launch we planned a series of articles on task management and Getting Things Done, including reviews of our most favorite apps.

In the following, we will outline all our articles related to task management.


Reducing noise in task management

GTD Methodology Tasks

A task management software is designed to be helpful. To remove noise from life. But when not organized properly, it can quickly backlash and result in something which adds more overhead than actually being helpful. The plan is: Avoiding and removing any noise, stuff which is not helpful for work. If tasks are entered wrongly, the list will be endless.

This article will go over a variety of tricks and tools to get the most out of task management by decluttering unneeded information. Not all task management applications will support every discussed feature, but a majority can be made to do a part of it. Mostly, this article focuses on methodology. They are ideas to try out or at least to keep in mind. The implementation of it will be very individual – both from the standpoint of used task management application and personal taste.

Tasks Setup GTD Featured Image

When looking at options for to-do lists, there are so many tools. How to choose the right one? What are the best options for which kind of user?

Different apps are for different users. They focus on a different core audience. A user should not adapt to an app. The app should adapt to the user. Therefore, it is wise to select a task management suite after the available features. Minimalistic vs. feature packed? Simplicity vs. customizability?

This article will go over some of those decisions. Which are the important things to consider before choosing an app; and which different methodologies result in what different needs. Last, some recommendations suited to different user groups are given.



GTD Tasks Featured Image

MyLifeOrganized (short, MLO) is a beast. The main pillar of MLO is customization. It is a suite which comes with a preset interface, but almost everything in it can be fully customized to the users needs.

MLO can work with Getting Things Done workflows. MLO can also do many other workflows. It is a large productivity task managing suite, which can adapt to virtually any workflow. During the initial setup, there are presets for multiple different methodologies. The very open customization capabilities make it a good app for virtually anything.

But, does it hold it’s promise? What features are customizable and how does it adapt to everybodys needs? We will take a look at this nice piece of software on all its supported platforms.

Tasks E-mail Methodology GTD

In daily work life, very few things can create more anxiety than the worry of forgetting something. It seems close to Getting Things Done (GTD), but it is true for any workflow. When one is busy with not trying to forget things, the brain cannot do other tasks. At least not as well.

Of course, there are lots of situations, where people can forget things. But a constant worry is, things slipping through. There is the email inbox, a calendar application, a To-Do application, the team Slack, the customer ticket system, maybe a couple of sticky notes, and so on.

The sheer amount of systems to administer can be overwhelming. In the end, it is not about administrating productivity apps; it is about finishing work, right? There are, however, a couple of things, one can do, to ease one’s mind.